With more people working from home due to the COVID-19 situation, organisations and IT teams need to ensure employees are cyber safe. That means providing them with cybersecurity best practices, tools and resources to protect their data and devices.
Here’s sharing 5 essential cybersecurity tips to keep yourself cyber safe in the current work-from-home environment.
Tip 1: Separate Personal Matters from Work

For those staying and working at home during the COVID-19 situation, it can be tempting to handle both personal matters – such as e-learning and online purchases – and work duties on the same computer.
However, this can introduce potential vulnerabilities and compromise the security of your work accounts.
One solution is to use Secure Browser with BIOS-SHIELD™ Computer. You can safely work on your confidential data on the trusted workspace and use the Secure Browser to browse the web and perform internet-based activities like conference calls, banking transaction, etc. As the Secure Browser is isolated from the trusted workspace, any malware infection on the Secure Browser will not affect the trusted workspace.
If that sounds like a solution for you, check out our BIOS-SHIELD™ series.
Tip 2: Connect to Corporate Gateways Securely

With more people working from home, the number of devices accessing corporate gateways will increase dramatically. This poses a significant security risk as it introduces potential vulnerabilities into the corporate network and infrastructure.
The answer to this is a portable Virtual Private Network (VPN) Client that provides safe and secure way to access the corporate network. Our NetCrypt series is a hardware-based VPN solution, which allows users to establish remote connection to their corporate gateways securely.
Tip 3: Ensure Secure Communication Channels

More people than ever are turning to platforms such as messaging services (WhatsApp, WeChat) and video conferencing (Zoom, Skype) to communicate while working from home. This poses security risks, as many of these channels are prone to security breaches and threats such as eavesdropping and leaking of sensitive information in non-secured channels.
Organisations, especially those in sensitive sectors, should strengthen the security of their communication channels. Our Secure Phone series is able to provide end-to-end protection for your voice calls, Instant Messaging, and attachments.
Tip 4: Watch out for COVID-19 Email and SMS Scams

While the world is coming to terms with the COVID-19 situation, hackers have seized the opportunity to send out emails and SMS messages, masquerading as health organisations and enterprises. Unsuspecting victims have opened or clicked through these messages and found their systems infected by malware or ransomware.
Beyond educating team members on the importance of email cyber hygiene, organisations can look at enhancing their endpoint security against phishing and malware attacks, the same way corporate firewalls do in the office. Check out how our BIOS-SHIELD™ series and Secure Phone series can help to prevent cyber-attacks.
Tip 5: Use Storage Devices with Hardware Encryption

Team members working from home often need access to files and data storage. However, conventional storage drives and USB flash drives pose a huge security risk if they are lost or stolen. Each year, organisations lose vast amounts of unsecured data this way – resulting in heavy losses, both financial and reputational.
The solution to this comes in the form of encrypted data storage drives, such as our Secure Storage DiskCrypt M10, which comes with hardware encryption (AES-XTS 256bits), shielding your critical data from cyber-attacks and data theft. Meanwhile, its 2-Factor Authentication using PIN and smartcard means only you are able to access the data within.
Let us strengthen our cyber-resilience in this challenging time and protect our sensitive data from cyber-attacks.