Category: Homeland Security
5G in Public Safety and Security
Speeding Towards Public Safety and Security with 5G In an increasingly interconnected world, technology plays a critical role in public safety and security. From emergency response to safeguarding our communities, the ability to access real-time data and communicate speedily can be a matter of life or death. Traditionally, public safety officers have grappled with the…
Unleashing Wide Capabilities With Drones
Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), have come a long way. The earliest drones were first deployed in the mid-1850s for military purpose. Fast forward to today with advancement technology, drones are now widely used by hobbyists for aerial photography and videography. Beyond leisure and military purposes, what can drones be used for…
Reinforcing Public Security with Next-Gen Fast Response Cars
There exists many aspects of public safety, out of which, patrol vehicles are important to ensure public security on the ground to protect cities and safeguard lives. These vehicles are not only used to conduct daily operational patrols, but also equipped with an arsenal of high-tech systems to provide law enforcement officers with actionable insights,…
Winning the Digital Battleground
Empower ground forces with advanced digital technologies to gain an edge in missions.
Mobile Command Post: Designed For Fast and Decisive Operations
When emergencies and incidents arise, operations would need to be mobilised quickly and rapidly to activate the necessary resources to provide assistance and relief. The Mobile Command Post (MCP) empowers public security agencies to respond swiftly during critical operations with agile and actionable insights, enabling faster and sharper decisions. The MCP is designed as a…
Scaling Greater Heights with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Discover how drone technology has evolved over the years and have taken on a myriad of roles especially in urban environments.
How Airports Can Enable Virtual Geo-Fencing For Operations Safety
The on-going Covid-19 pandemic has created tremendous challenges for the air transport industry, a situation that could go beyond 2021. For some airports, this lull is the perfect opportunity to build infrastructure and accelerate planned upgrading and expansion projects in anticipation for when the industry recovers. As the situation gradually improves, governments around the world…
Fast, Intuitive Screening With Facial Detection Thermal Scanners
Over the past few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has struck fear into the hearts of millions, closing international borders and bringing the global economy to a partial standstill. One thing is clear, fighting the enemy must mean being able to identify it first. Our engineers and technologists had learnt the lesson the hard and rigorous…